From Elisabeth Schneider
What would you do with £500? (...in your own words)Coauthors: Thomas Crossley (University of Michigan), Peter Levell (Institute for Fiscal Studies, London) and… -
From Elisabeth Schneider
Establishing the New NCHS Rapid Surveys System -- Challenges and Lessons Learned The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the need for timely critical health and health… -
From Elisabeth Schneider
Advancing Equity through Robust Sexual and Gender Minority Representation through Data Collection 2022 was a critical year in advancing data collection for sexual… -
From Elisabeth Schneider
Motivated Reasoning under Conditions of Affective Political PolarizationMotivated Reasoning under Conditions of Affective Political Polarization Public… -
From Elisabeth Schneider
Measuring Network Sizes in the Context of Respondent Driven Sampling: Evidence from Two Independent SurveysSocial networks termed as “degrees” are the… -
From Elisabeth Schneider
Texting in Mixed-Mode Studies: Results from Recent Research Experimentation Using multiple modes of contact has been found to increase participation in surveys… -
From Elisabeth Schneider
Frauke Kreuter Leveraging AI for Survey ResearchThis presentation scrutinizes the transformative potential of Large Language Models (LLMs) insurvey research, focusing… -
From Elisabeth Schneider
JPSM MSPDS Seminar March 13, 2024 When “representative” surveys fail: Can a non-ignorable missingness mechanism explain bias in estimates of COVID-19… -
From Elisabeth Schneider
6th Annual Likert Workshop Meeting Respondents Where They Are March 8,2024 Survey measurement is complicated. We strive to ask questions that respondents understand and… -
From Elisabeth Schneider
Recent Developments and Open Problems in Post-Linkage Data Analysis Record linkage and subsequent data analysis of the linked file with suitable propagation of… -
From Elisabeth Schneider
Brady T. West is a Research Professor in the Survey Methodology Program, located within the Survey Research Center at the Institute for Social Research on the… -
From Elisabeth Schneider
Michael Elliott is a Professor of Biostatistics and a Research Professor at the Institute for Social Research. He received his Ph.D. in biostatistics in 1999 from the… -
From Elisabeth Schneider
2020 California Neighborhoods Count: A validation of U.S. Census Population Counts and Housing Characteristic Estimates within California In response to… -
From Elisabeth Schneider
Flexible Formal Privacy for Public Data Curation Researchers rely extensively on public datasets disseminated by official statistics agencies, universities,…