JPSM MPSDS SeminarNovember 30, 2022Effect of Branching
Middle Responses in Dichotomous Polar Scales in Web Surveys
In telephone surveys, 11 to 49% of respondents
would select a middle alternative when it is offered although they would not
volunteer it if it were not mentioned in dichotomous bipolar questions.
Furthermore, offering a middle option led to differences in response effects
that are related to respondent characteristics, including social desirability
bias and satisficing effects. While a question form that branches middle
responses has been shown to have a lower validity compared to offered form in
telephone surveys, potentially, branched question form can motivate respondents
to spend extra time and effort in giving a response in the absence of an
interviewer. Therefore, differences in validity and reliability of responses to
branched question form compared to offered form is a research interest in
general population web surveys. This study tests the validity and the
reliability to branched question form in a general population survey using a
randomized experiment. The branched question form did not change validity and
reliability of responses and reduced the satisficing behavior based on the
proxies compared to the offered form.
Z. Tuba
Suzer Gurtekin is an Assistant Research Scientist within the Institute for
Social Research (ISR) at the University of Michigan. She is the scientific
leader of the Surveys of Consumers, which conducts monthly national surveys of
American households to understand consumer expectations and how those
expectations impact their spending and saving behavior. Her research experience
has included development of alternative sample, methodology and questionnaire
designs, data collection and analysis methods for a general population in
parallel survey modes. In addition to her work through the Surveys of
Consumers, she also currently serves on the Board of Associate Editors of CDC’s
Preventing Chronic Disease Journal. 608.82She teaches survey sampling and
survey methodology in University of Michigan’s Clinical Research Design and
Statistical Analysis Program (OJOC CRDSA).