JPSM/MPSM SeminarFebruary 10, 2021
Presenters: Lauren
Walton, Hani Zainulbhai
Walton, Hani Zainulbhai, Leah Christian
Testing Remote Recruitment in a Television Measurement Panel
contact and recruitment approaches have become increasingly critical in
reaching people to participate in surveys and research panels and improving
their likelihood of response and often, the representation of the sample,
bringing in groups more traditionally underrepresented. Nielsen has designed a
phased sequential multi-mode methodology to recruit homes through a combination
of web, phone and in-person/proximity methods for its core TV panels that have
relied exclusively on in-person recruitment. This work has been
accelerated due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Nielsen will present the results of a
“push to web” recruitment test conducted in five markets from October 2020 to
January 2021. In this test, sample was selected using a multi-stage area probability
design and invitations were mailed to prospective panelists to direct them to
complete a registration survey for initial recruitment into the panel
online. Nielsen will present the test design and results, including
cooperation and response rates, number of completes per mailed invitation,
market level differences, and informative paradata.