Brady West - Evaluating Pre-Election Polling Estimates using a New Measure of Non-Ignorable Selection Bias - October 12, 2022
Evaluating Pre-Election Polling Estimates using a New Measure of Non-Ignorable Selection Bias
Brady T. West is a Research Professor in the Survey Methodology Program, located within the Survey Research Center at the Institute for Social Research on the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor (U-M) campus. He earned his PhD from the Michigan Program in Survey and Data Science in 2011. Before that, he received an MA in Applied Statistics from the U-M Statistics Department in 2002, being recognized as an Outstanding First-year Applied Masters student, and a BS in Statistics with Highest Honors and Highest Distinction from the U-M Statistics Department in 2001. His current research interests include the implications of measurement error in auxiliary variables and survey paradata for survey estimation, selection bias in surveys, responsive/adaptive survey design, interviewer effects, and multilevel regression models for clustered and longitudinal data. He is the lead author of a book comparing different statistical software packages in terms of their mixed-effects modeling procedures (Linear Mixed Models: A Practical Guide using Statistical Software, Third Edition, Chapman Hall/CRC Press, 2022), and he is a co-author of a second book entitled Applied Survey Data Analysis (with Steven Heeringa and Pat Berglund), the second edition of which was published by CRC Press in June 2017. He was elected as a Fellow of the American Statistical Association in 2022. Brady lives in Dexter, MI with his wife Laura, his son Carter, and his daughter Everleigh.
Among the numerous
explanations that have been offered for recent errors in pre-election polls,
selection bias due to non-ignorable partisan nonresponse bias, where the
probability of responding to a poll is a function of the candidate preference
that a poll is attempting to measure (even after conditioning on other relevant
covariates used for weighting adjustments), has received relatively less focus
in the academic literature. Under this type of selection mechanism, estimates
of candidate preferences based on individual or aggregated polls may be subject
to significant bias, even after standard weighting adjustments. Until recently,
methods for measuring and adjusting for this type of non-ignorable selection
bias have been unavailable. Fortunately, recent developments in the
methodological literature have provided political researchers with easy-to-use
measures of non-ignorable selection bias. In this study, we apply a new measure
that has been developed specifically for estimated proportions to this
challenging problem. We analyze data from 18 different pre-election polls: nine
different telephone polls conducted in eight different states prior to the U.S.
Presidential election in 2020, and nine different pre-election polls conducted either
online or via telephone in Great Britain prior to the 2015 General Election. We
rigorously evaluate the ability of this new measure to detect and adjust for
selection bias in estimates of the proportion of likely voters that will vote
for a specific candidate, using official outcomes from each election as
benchmarks and alternative data sources for estimating key characteristics of
the likely voter populations in each context